While we don’t want to admit it, the kids will be heading back to school sooner rather than later. As parents we want to make sure our children have a great experience, both at school and at home, but as a divorced family there may be some extra boxes to check off on that back-to-school list.
Both parents should be involved in their child(ren)s education. Both should have equal access to electronic documents, such as start and end times, bus schedules, class schedules, teacher contact information and report cards. Don’t rely on your ex to provide this information to you or communicate on your behalf. Make sure you are proactive and get this information ahead of time and have a direct line of communication with the school(s).
Keep a calendar of important school-related events so both you and your ex can plan the school year and your family’s schedules accordingly. This includes things such as back-to-school night, sports, extracurricular activities, and awards programs.
School supplies, a must for back-to-school but not an extra financial responsibility for either parent. Items such as school supplies are included in child support. That’s not to say that either parent can’t provide additional money towards the supplies, but neither side should expect that or rely on additional financial support.
If you have any questions about custody agreements or parental responsibilities for situations like back-to-school, you should always consult with your legal counsel. As always, we are here to help.